GCPR VMV | 2015
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition, Aachen

Submission to GCPR 2015
Submit your paper to GCPR 2015
Paper submission deadline time May 29, 2015 11:59:00 PM (Pacific Time = UTC-8)
The submission for papers is over. Please use the submission link above to submit your supplementary material until June 01, 2015 11:59:00 PM (Pacific Time = UTC-8)
Camera-ready submissions are due until July 31, 11:59:00 PM (Pacific Time = UTC-8).
Presenter Instructions
Oral Presentations
Each paper in an oral session will be allocated 22.5 minutes. This includes time required for the introduction of the speaker, as well as time for questions from the audience and setup of the next speaker. We therefore advise you to prepare talk of at most 20 minutes and leave time for questions at the end. Please respect this limit, since the talk schedule is very tight. The session chairs will give you a signal when your talk time is coming close to its end, and they will have to break off the talk after 20 minutes if it is not finished by then.
Presenters are requested to be present at the podium at least 15 minutes before the start of their session and introduce themselves to the session chair as soon as they arrive. Presenters are requested to bring their own laptop and test the connection to the AV equipment before the session starts. You can find the name of the session chair of your session listed on the conference website.
Poster Presentations
Each paper in a poster session will be provided with a poster board that can hold a poster in A0 format, portrait or landscape mode. The recommended poster format is A0 landscape. A presenting author is expected to be available in front of the poster for the entire duration of the poster session. Poster boards will be numbered. Your poster number will be the number beside your title in the program. Presenters are requested to mount the poster before the start of the poster session. The poster boards have a magnetic surface and posters can be attached with magnets that will be provided. Please note that no adhesives are allowed on the poster boards.
Camera-ready Submission Instructions
Camera-ready papers are due by July 31, 11:59:00 PM (Pacific Time = UTC-8) (firm deadline). Note that submitting a camera-ready version implies that one of the authors has to register for GCPR 2015 with a full registration (and present the paper at the conference). Otherwise, the paper will not be printed in the LNCS proceedings. This author registration must be done by July 31.
Important information:
- Please carefully take into account the reviewers' comments when preparing the camera-ready version.
- You are requested to strictly follow the SpringerLNCS single-column style.
- If you use LaTeX to prepare your paper, please use the same template as for your submission. Make sure to appropriately replace all placeholders in the initial submission. Also, provide the author information and running title for the page headers (abbreviated if necessary). Finally, make sure to comment out the \DAGMreviewversion command to obtain a non-review version.
- Each accepted paper is limited to 10 pages without references and 12 pages with references. Do not reduce the paper length, e.g. by reducing vertical spaces between paragraphs or the like. Such formatting will be removed by the Springer editors!
- All figures will be printed in black and white. If you have color figures, please make sure that they are also legible in black and white. These figures will appear in color in the online version at no extra charge.
What to submit?
- For papers prepared using LaTeX (preferred):
- a text file "contact.txt" containing the name and email address of the corresponding author.
- source (input) files: tex, bib, and figure files. Please name the main file as "mainPID.tex,", where PID has to be replaced with your paper ID.
- any non-standard style files, templates, and special fonts you may have used.
- PDF file of the final version.
- For papers prepared using Microsoft Word:
- a text file "contact.txt" containing the name and email address of the corresponding author.
- source (input) files: DOC file. Please name the main file as "mainPID.docx", where PID has to be replaced with your paper ID.
- PDF file of the final version.
- Please download the copyright form, and complete and sign it. It is sufficient if one author from each contribution signs the form on behalf of all the other authors. You have to send us an electronic copy (together with the source files). It should be "digitally signed", that is signed with a scanned version of your signature. Alternatively, you can scan a printed and signed copyright form. Please name your copyright file "copyrightPID.pdf", where PID has to be replaced with your paper ID. Important: Only authors employed by the EU (as an institution) need to tick that particular box. All other researchers working in a country in the European Union have no need to tick that box. Equally, the box for US Government employees should only be ticked by US Government employees.
How to submit?
Please create a ZIP file (file extension .zip) or gzipped tarball (file extension .tgz) containing all the items above and submit it through the paper submission site. You can submit more than once, in which case old versions will be overwritten. If you encounter any problems with the system, do not hesitate to contact us.
Submission Regulations
The GCPR 2015 conference proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series.
The proceedings will include all accepted papers under the condition that at least one of the authors completes a full (non-student) registration to the conference (this involves a registration fee). Authors should take into account the following rules:
- All papers have to be written in English, have to conform with the Springer LNCS format, and have to be submitted as a single PDF file.
- The maximum allowed paper length is 10 pages without references and 12 pages with references.
- All papers have to describe original work. By submitting a paper to GCPR 2015, the authors guarantee that
- the manuscript has not been previously published or accepted for publication in substantially similar form in any journal, conference, workshop, or archival peer-reviewed forum,
- no paper which contains significant overlap with the contributions of this paper is under review at the moment of submission or will be submitted during the GCPR 2015 review period to another conference, workshop, or journal. Note that a Technical Report (departmental, arxiv.org, etc.) that is disseminated without any form of direct peer review is NOT considered a publication. Likewise, mention of the work under review in a presentation is NOT considered a violation.
- In addition, supplementary materials can be submitted. Please note that
- All supplementary material must be self-contained in a single file for upload (i.e., a single pdf, or a zip file containing multiple items).
- The supplementary material directly supports the paper as submitted prior to the paper deadline. Only results generated by the algorithm/approach/system reported in the submitted version are allowed. Material based on improvements subsequent to the paper deadline is not allowed.
- DO NOT include links to external files or websites (e.g., youtube). Including such links is grounds for automatic rejection without review.
- DO NOT submit a newer version of the paper as supplementary material. Including a newer version of the paper or any portion thereof is forbidden.
- GCPR reviewing is double blind: authors do not know the names of the reviewers of their papers, and reviewers do not know the names of the authors. Therefore, please avoid any information that may identify the authors in the acknowledgments and in the supplemental material. See Section 2 of the example paper for detailed information.
See also the example paper gcpr2015submission.pdf for more information. Papers that do not conform with the above guidelines will be rejected without review.