Author Kit and Submission System

All papers have to be written in English and conform with the Springer LNCS format. Please use the GCPR 2022 author kit. The author kit is based on the Springer’s proceedings LaTeX template, which is also available as an Overleaf template. However, if you use this template, make sure you also use all conference specific settings from the file gcpr2022.tex in the author kit.

Papers are submitted via the Microsoft CMT for GCPR 2022, which will open in mid-April for submissions. When you register a paper, you will obtain a paper ID, please make sure to insert it at the appropriate location in the LaTeX template.

Regular Papers

The DAGM GCPR 2022 proceedings to be published in the Springer LNCS series will include all accepted papers under the condition that a paper processing fee is paid for each accepted paper. Authors should take into account the following rules:

  • The paper length is limited to 12 pages excluding references. It is not allowed to modify the margins, font size, or page layout of the template, since Springer needs clean LaTeX source files for the proceedings.
  • All papers have to be submitted as a single PDF file. The authors are requested to make sure that all fonts are embedded in the PDF file.
  • DAGM GCPR reviewing is double blind. Please avoid any information that may identify the authors. See policies.

Papers that do not conform with the above guidelines will be rejected without reviewing.

Special Track Papers

Submission instructions are the as for the regular papers, with the following additional steps:

  • In CMT3, mark the submission as a submission for a special track by ticking the respective checkbox, and furthermore set the primary subject area to the respective track. You can still add secondary subject areas as you see fit.
  • In the LaTeX template, uncomment the line for the correct track.

Young Researchers Forum

If you are a Master student you might be eligible for the Best Master’s Thesis Award of the Young Researchers Forum. Students who received a Master’s degree from a university in Austria, Germany, or Switzerland after June 24, 2021 can apply for the best Master’s Thesis Award. Please visit the DAGM Young Researcher Forum website for more information. The submission instructions are the same as for regular papers, but the following steps need to be done in addition:

Send an email with subject YRF Fast Review Track Submission: #PaperID to before the submission deadline. The email should state that #PaperID is a YRF submission and contain a link for downloading the additional documents:

  • a PDF version of the Master’s thesis,
  • a copy of the Master’s certificate,
  • a declaration stating that the contents of the submission correspond to the Master’s thesis (Word template),
  • a letter of the advisor supporting the submission and stating that the thesis is excellent.

Please do not include these documents in the supplementary material submitted via CMT since it reveals the identity of the author.

Finally, in CMT3, mark the submission as a submission for the YRF by ticking the respective checkbox. In the LaTeX template, uncomment the line for the YRF track.

Fast Review Track

As for regular papers, the paper length is limited to 12 pages excluding references. It is not allowed to modify the margins, font size, or page layout of the template. Submissions that use the ECCV template will be rejected. Besides any optional supplementary material for the revised paper, the following documents need to be provided as part of the supplementary material:

  • the original unmodified ECCV 2022 submission with ECCV paper ID as PDF
  • the original unmodified ECCV 2022 reviews as PDF (see instructions below)
  • the original unmodified ECCV 2022 meta-review as PDF (see instructions below)
  • a summary of changes as PDF that describes the changes of the original ECCV submission and how the comments of the reviewers have been addressed in the revised paper.

In order to get the ECCV reviews and meta-review, print them to PDF using CMT. For the reviews, click on “View Reviews”. You will see the title of the ECCV submission, the paper ID of the ECCV submission, and all reviews. From the menu on the top-right, print this to the file reviews.pdf. For the meta-review, click on “View Meta-Reviews” and print it in the same way to the file meta-review.pdf. The summary of changes needs to describe how and where in the revised paper or supplementary material the points of the reviewers have been addressed. Please structure the response by reviewer and go through each point of the reviews. Please ensure that the submission including any supplementary material does not contain any information that may identify the authors. See policies. There are no specific formatting requirements for the summary of changes, but an optional template is provided with the author kit.

By submitting a paper to the Fast Review Track, the authors agree that the submission can be shared with the organizers of ECCV 2022 in order to verify the original ECCV submission and reviews.

Nectar Track

Coming soon.

Additional Material

Coming soon.


The goals of DAGM GCPR are to publish exciting new work for the first time and to avoid duplicating the effort of reviewers.

By submitting a manuscript to GCPR, authors acknowledge that it has not been previously published or accepted for publication in substantially similar form in any peer-reviewed venue including journal, conference or workshop, or archival forum. Furthermore, no publication substantially similar in content has been or will be submitted to this or another conference, workshop, or journal during the review period. Violation of any of these conditions will lead to rejection, and will be reported to the other venue to which the submission was sent.

A publication, for the purposes of this policy, does not consider an paper as a publication because it cannot be rejected. It also excludes technical reports which are not peer reviewed.

By submitting a paper, the authors agree that the paper is processed by the Toronto Paper Matching System to match each manuscript to the best possible reviewers.