Young Researchers' Forum

Young Researchers' Forum

Following the tradition of DAGM, GCPR 2018 will again host a Young Researchers' Forum (YRF) dedicated to the presentation of outstanding achievements during Bachelor's, Master's or Diploma studies. The forum provides an opportunity for young researchers to present their research, form new connections and build a community.

A Best Master's Thesis Award is presented and a limited number of student travel grants are available.

500 Euro Best Master's Thesis Award

Young researchers who have received their Master's degree after April 19, 2017, are encouraged to submit a full GCPR submission based on their Master's thesis. The submission should be marked as 'yrf-submission' and will follow the standard GCPR submission procedure (deadline 4.7.). The young researcher should be the first author, however, co-authorship of supervisors is allowed. The best submission will be honored with the 500 Euro Best Master's Thesis Award during GCPR 2018.

Please visit the DAGM website for detailed information on requirements and submission details.

YRF Student Travel Grants

The DAGM supports excellent students with an affinity to the research fields of the DAGM to attend the conference. Students that have already received their Bachelor s degree and Master students that have not yet finished their thesis are encouraged to apply for a travel grant. The successful applicants will receive travel funds of up to 500 Euro and free access to the conference. Applications must be received by August 15th, 2018 by email to yrf[at]

Please visit the DAGM website for details on application.